Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Rain Drops In The Desert

This isn't the most dramatic post I'm sure, but something very rare occurred yesterday. I'm watching American Sniper with some friends I've made in the building. Screaming 'Murica! everytime an American shoots a gun.

So anyway, yesterday,

I stepped outside with a friend to take in a kitten for the night, and found myself facing rain.

I'm near the Dead Sea in Arad, as far west in the Negev Desert you can go in Israel and still be within Israel.

I took a video of the thunderstorm, to say it was beautiful is an understatement for me.

Where I come from it rains a lot. A LOT. There is forest everywhere. Spilling out onto the roads, and surrounding your homes, threaded through many of the towns, especially in Northern Virginia and Maryland. Sometimes it rains five days out of a week. And when we have a draught, it means we probably hadn't had rain since last week.

But here, rare is rain. There are no clouds where I am- just an ever present line of dust. I'm told it rains maybe once every six months, if that.

The storm here reminded me of home. And it's very strange weather for this area. A dust storm and then a rain and thunderstorm.

As one put it, perhaps in a way it like God's fireworks- celebrating the new year.

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